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"Pickle Lady" Team?

What Makes Selling a Home in Prescott So Different... and Why We're the Ones to Do It For You!
HOME SELLER'S RESOURCES: Here are some free tools, tips and tricks to get focused and get your house sold
Here are some free tools, tips and tricks to get focused and get your house sold

Multiple Cash Offers for Your Home

Our investors want Prescott homes... now!  Get MULTUPLE real cash offers on your home instantly.  Bypass all the stress and bother.  Several attractive options available.

Seller's Corner

Provides the latest news, exclusive market analysis, and selling tips, tricks and pitfalls for homeowners in the Prescott Area.

Latest Comps & Home Values

Prescott Real Estate by the Numbers: Know the local real estate market better than 90% of industry professionals... in just a few minutes.  See our video summary of the very latest housing market statistics - home values, volumes, trends, time on market, and who has the upper hand in negotiating prices.  

What's Your Home Worth Now?

The property market has been a wild ride. Do you know how much your home is worth now?

Free Consultation

Request a complimentary home listing consultation with our Professional Listing Specialist.

Our Weekly Wine Down

Take a moment to uncork and catch up with what's going on in real estate... and life in general in Prescott. 

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